Film Reviews
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Following the disappointment of Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi there were many, many high expectations going into the midnight screening of Rise of Skywalker. You could tell looking around the cinema lobby that tensions were high as well as expectations.
The opening crawl details what has happened since the end of The Last Jedi.
The film opens fast paced and intense, highlighting the new Supreme Leaders anger and only moves on faster and more intense. We see our first proper look at the Knights of Ren in action. Across the galaxy we see Rey continuing her training under General Leia Organa whilst the last of the Resistance scramble together as the galaxy receives a terrifying transmission...he’s back!!!
We then travel to the unknown reaches of the galaxy where we learn who has been pulling the strings with regards to the events that transpired since Return of the Jedi and the downfall of the Emperor and the Empire.
We discover the origins of the former Supreme Leader Snoke, and gain small insight into Rey, this information is drip fed to us throughout the film, creating the effect of detective film/ space opera, this approach works within the premise of Rise of Skywalker.
Accompanying Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, BB8 and C-3PO to the desert planet Pasaana, searching for clues that will lead Rey and the others further into the pursuit of the origins of the transmission heard around the galaxy.
Included in the film are some brilliant set pieces, choreographed saber fights between Rey and Kylo Ren which highlight and showcase their increasing knowledge of the force. We also see a welcome and familiar face met on Pasaana in the guise of Lando Calrissian as well as a few others.
We meet a few characters from Poe’s past who aid in access classified information which will lead to Exogol – The Planet of the Emperor seen in the final trailer.
In terms of redemption – it was clear from the people present in the cinema at the end of the viewing by the round of applause the film received, following from the let-down that was Episode VIII J.J. Abrams has delivered what I personally feel to be one of the strongest Star Wars films of the franchise, standing up there with Episode V and Rogue One.
Within the film there were a number of cameos from characters from previous films, as well as a look to the past that details some more information about Luke’s own training and the creation of the New Jedi Order prior to the events of Episode VII.
In all, Rise of Skywalker ticked the right boxes and managed to redeem the franchise in the same move.
The film is more than a fitting tribute to the late great Carrie Fisher, whose appearance in this film was primarily made up from unused footage from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi as well as some footage shot by the actress before her death. The inclusion of these shots are almost seamless only noticeable in a few places where it would appear that a double has used in wide shots where Leia’s face is not seen.
The closing credits of the film open with a brief moment of silence as the words “CARRIE FISHER” are displayed on screen.